
AACG Anime/Comic-Con
Ended on Sun May 2, 2021

AACG Anime/Comic-Con

Finished Ended on Sun May 2, 2021
Daning Little Manor
666 Guangzhong Xi Lu, near Yuncheng Lu
Regular ticket: 50rmb. VIP ticket: 100rmb (unlimited drinks, VIP lounge, skip lines + surprise gift).

General Info.

  • Price: Regular ticket: 50rmb. VIP ticket: 100rmb (unlimited drinks, VIP lounge, skip lines + surprise gift).


The anime crowd have a chance to crawl out of their two-dimensional world this May holiday. On May 1 and 2, Daning Little Manor will host the second AACG convention; a call for all gamers and anime enthusiasts to congregate under one roof. Possibly the only “comic con” event in town for a while, the exhibition features primarily Chinese anime, but also has a touch of trendy Japanese stuff. About a dozen famous Chinese cosplayers have been invited to show off their new looks and will be flaunting their costumes on stage. There will even be VR games consoles! Entrance is 50rmb, but a VIP special (with unlimited drinks, access to the VIP lounge, ability to skip lines and a surprise gift) is for 100rmb.

Daning Little Manor
666 Guangzhong Xi Lu, near Yuncheng Lu
广中西路666号, 近运城路