
Photo Exhibition: Liu Heung Shing - Lens · Era · People
Ended on Sun Dec 17, 2023

Photo Exhibition: Liu Heung Shing - Lens · Era · People

Finished Ended on Sun Dec 17, 2023 , 10am - 9pm
Museum of Art Pudong
2777 Binjiang Dadao, near Fenghe Lu

General Info.

  • Price: 100-280rmb
  • Time: 10am - 9pm
  • Price Assurance: Same price as Local Sites


This exhibition marks a significant milestone as it is the Museum of Art Pudong's inaugural photography exhibition. It also serves as a remarkable retrospective of the acclaimed Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer, Liu Heung Shing. Featuring seven distinct sections, the exhibition showcases nearly 200 precious photographic works capturing historical events, portraits of notable figures, and candid glimpses into the everyday lives of people from various countries during specific periods.

Museum of Art Pudong
2777 Binjiang Dadao, near Fenghe Lu
滨江大道2777号, 近丰和路