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Gyula Noesis, Alessandra Zerbinati, Torturing Nurse, Shu Ride, RHYTHMICSHIT at trigger

Finished Sat, May 18, 2024 , 3pm
Room 308, Union Mansion, 350 Wuning Lu


Considered one of the most controversial and extreme noise artists on the Italian scene today, Alessandra Zerbinati’s performances combine theatre, butoh, body marking, and noise. Strange instruments accompany the PA system for an intensely physical live performance full of muscle contraction, bone-crunching, skin tearing, sound, blood, and more - reaching directly into the viewer’s mind. Fellow Italian provocateur Gyula Noesis meanwhile, cut his teeth as a hardcore singer in the band Holy Virgin Cult, as well as a gravedigger and demolition worker - constantly pushing his limits to near-death. So yeah, expect nothing less than jarring. trigger regulars Torturing Nurse, Shu Ride, and RHYTHMICSHIT will be on hand - performing solo on Saturday and in various collaborations on Sunday.