
Elements of Freestyle
Ended on Sat Jul 6, 2024

Elements of Freestyle

Finished Ended on Sat Jul 6, 2024 , 7:30pm
Shanghai International Dance Center
1650 Hongqiao Lu, near Shuicheng Lu

General Info.

  • Price: 180-680rmb
  • Time: 7:30pm
  • Duration: 60mins (No intermission)
  • Price Assurance: Same price as Local Sites


Elements of Freestyle is about those redeeming seconds that make a complicated trick ultimately succeed; about the freestylers' total focus on the moment, the ecstasy and the feeling of complete and total freedom. In a spectacular fusion of breakdance, inline skating, skateboarding, freestyle basketball, BMX and freerunning, the audience discovers the artistry behind the trick. Simultaneously both exquisitely beautiful and heart-poundingly exciting, director Marco Gerris show packs a punch. You simply will not believe your eyes.

In this adrenaline-fuelled explosion of extreme urban sports, dance, music and theatre, the Netherlands' ISH Dance Collective create breathtaking poetry. Whether you float on ballet shoes or on skates, with ISH, it's all dance. Elements of Freestyle is equally suitable for younger audiences and for the general public.



Marco Gerris | Artistic Director

Born in Philippine and grew up in Belgium, choreographer Marco Gerris is founder and artistic director of ISH Dance Collective, a hip hop dance company he founded in 2000. He studied at the Antwerp Theatre School Herman Teirlinck, the Higher Institute for Dance Pedagogy and the Open Living Theater (Antwerp). In the late 1990s he started working as a dancer, skater and actor. Gerris regularly works with the Dutch National Ballet as a guest choreographer. Besides creating within dance and urban sports was Gerris also seen for two years as a judge in So You Think You Can Dance and for one season as a judge on The Freestyle Games.


BMX: Dez Maarsen

Breaking: Denden Karadeniz, Shane Donovan Boers,  Arnold Put

Parkour / Freerunning: Siebe van de Spijker, Bart van der Linden

Freestyle Basketball: Michael van Beek

Inline Skate: Sven Boekhorst, Jelle Briggeman

Skateboard: Pim Wouters

Cello: Annie Tangberg

Violine: Vera van der Bie

Photography:Alex Brenner, Studio Breed, Michel Schnater

Shanghai International Dance Center
1650 Hongqiao Lu, near Shuicheng Lu
虹桥路1650号, 近水城路