
Zhong Shu Ge (Jing'an)

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Zhong Shu Ge (Jing'an)

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  • Zhong Shu Ge (Jing'an)
  • Zhong Shu Ge (Jing'an)
  • Zhong Shu Ge (Jing'an)
  • Zhong Shu Ge (Jing'an)

Zhong Shu Ge (Jing'an)

  • 4/F, 1601 Nanjing Xi Lu,
    near Changde Lu


    Inside: Reel Mall
    Part of: Zhong Shu Ge
    Phone: Unknown
    Daily, 10am-10pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: May 8, 2020

    This venue has yet to be experienced by our editorial staff of discerning nitpickers and sardonic critics. Editor's Description forthcoming.

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