
Taoyuan Village (The Place)

Taiwan Chinese

Taoyuan Village (The Place)

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Taoyuan Village (The Place)

  • 1/F, 100 Zunyi Lu,
    near Ziyun Lu


    Inside: The Place
    15 mins from Loushanguan Rd
    Chinese Name: 桃园眷村(南丰城店)
    Part of: Taoyuan Village
    6237 8690
    Daily, 7am-11.30pm

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Feb 27, 2020
    Taiwanese-breakfast inspired chain that specializes in shao bing, a flaky, crispy sandwich filled with egg, "bacon", and lettuce. Nice environment here, but the food is divisive. It's not as good as a street breakfast, and about five times more expensive. But you're still looking at about 30rmb per person for a meal, and the place is clean, if not sterile. If you want to take your OCD friend to try Chinese street breakfast, this would be your best bet.
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