
naked Stables


naked Stables

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  • naked Stables
  • naked Stables
  • naked Stables
  • naked Stables

naked Stables

  • 37 Shangxiazhuang Village,
    Paitou Town, near Moganshan,
    Deqing County, Zhejiang


    Part of: naked
    4009 200 518
    ID: nakedretreats

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Jul 24, 2019
    naked Stables Private Reserve is a resort in a protected nature reserve. Luxury accommodation is in spacious Tree Top Villas or single bedroom Earth Huts, spread across a broad, secluded valley in the foothills of Moganshan. Access is by foot or electric buggy. No motor vehicles are permitted. They also offer a range of activities — mountain biking, horse riding and hiking, three swimming pools, things for kids and some yoga / meditation stuff. Really nice place to escape to.
  • 10

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