
Tsui Wah (Changshou Lu)

Cantonese | Putuo

Tsui Wah (Changshou Lu)

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Tsui Wah (Changshou Lu)

  • 1/F, 97 Changshou Lu,
    near Shanxi Lu

    Putuo District


    10 mins from Changshou Rd
    Part of: Tsui Wah
    6217 5528
    Daily, 10am-3am

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Jun 9, 2019
    This Hong Kong-based chain of eateries offers staple Cantonese dishes as well as a mixed bag of Italian, steak and other Western dishes. The homemade fish balls are recommended, and there's a small Cantonese-style bakery at the entrance selling coconut pastries, egg tarts, pineapple buns, and the like.
  • 1

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