Upcoming: Deep Forest Festival

This looks like a good one, if you're a fan of things to do, getting out of the city, trees, nature, bonfires, stars, drinking things in plastic cups, outdoor techno, um... painting things on your bal...
Last updated: 2015-11-09
This looks like a good one, if you're a fan of things to do, getting out of the city, trees, nature, bonfires, stars, drinking things in plastic cups, outdoor techno, um... painting things on your bald head, tracers, trance music, ass-dragging hippies, sleeping in tents...

The people who did -- the Anji Bamboo Forest Rave -- are doing it again in the Anji Forest, near Hangzhou Saturday August 15 to Sunday August 16. It's an outdoor nnn tsst, nnn tsst, nnn tsst bonanza.

"Camping, nature, hiking, 24-hours non-stop underground electronic music by the sickest line-up of DJs, friends, dancing and good vibes, all this goodness made for an unforgettable 2-days journey full of good memories and smiles."

Sound like you're kind of thing? Ever been to a rave in a bamboo forest? Full details . Act quick on that to get your advance tickets.