Watch This: Floating City Episode 2 Touches On Soft-Ad Expat Rags And Tired Pick-Up Lines

In January, we posted the first episode of Floating City, a web-series "following the misadventures of foreigners living in the [harmonious Xuhui]." While that first episode felt amateur, they stepped...
Last updated: 2015-11-09
In January, of Floating City, a web-series "following the misadventures of foreigners living in the [harmonious Xuhui]." While that first episode felt amateur, they stepped up their game in the second ep, especially the bit about a new staff writer at an expat rag, played by writer / director Leah Churchill, having to cover "Sweden's number 7 DJ" DJ Spaghetti Man. Yes, some of the material in here is cliché, but then again so is Shanghai life, which is actually a total fantasy anyway.

Definitely worth a watch. makes an appearance in here as well. Video after the jump.