Fanboys Assemble: Iron Man, Thor Spiderman, The Hulk, and Loki on the Red Carpet in Shanghai Tomorrow

The superheroes who play Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth Tom Holland, Mark Ruffalo and Tom Hiddletydiddelty, will be attending a full-on media blowout red carpet event at Disneytown this Thursday, ...
Last updated: 2018-04-18
The superheroes who play Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth Tom Holland, Mark Ruffalo and Tom Hiddletydiddelty, will be attending a full-on media blowout red carpet event at this Thursday, to promote their upcoming documentary, Avengers: Infinity War, releasing next month in China. And it's open to the public. That includes you. More details, plus where to watch the all-day 360 degree livestreams, after the jump.