Checkpoint! Touch Our Buttons' DIY Game Fair

Community game organizer Touch Our Buttons is putting on their second Checkpoint! a DIY gaming fair this Saturday. It’s freeeeeeeeee! Continuing the double entendre theme, they’ll have help from R...
Last updated: 2018-08-07
Community game organizer is putting on their second a DIY gaming fair this Saturday. It’s freeeeeeeeee! Continuing the double entendre theme, they’ll have help from Random Encounters (a weekly game industry meet up, not a Tinder Support Group). The whole event is basically a giant gaming party, with locally produced video games, board games and VR demos, and workshops and talks so you can learn how to take your own “Cones of Dunshire" to the next level. Hit the jump for the full schedule and an interview with Touch Our Buttons co-founder Mike Ren.