Austin Hu Severs Ties with Bottega

Here is an interesting development to ring in the New Year. Restaurateur Austin Hu as severed ties with Bottega Mozzarella Bar, the Italian restaurant he opened with mozzarella maven Kyeong Joo Lee. H...
Last updated: 2015-11-09
Here is an interesting development to ring in the New Year. Restaurateur Austin Hu as severed ties with , the Italian restaurant he opened with mozzarella maven . Hu is playing the reasons rather close to his vest, citing "differences of opinions." You can read into that as much or as little as you like.

This comes less than four months after Lee and Hu opened the restaurant in . The immediate effect this development might have on the restaurant's future remains at present unclear. But it would seem that if the kitchen continues to run with no one at the helm, there could be rough sailing ahead for Bottega.