Zeitgeist's 88rmb All-You-Can-Eat Schnitzel Is Too Good for This City

Last Tuesday, like a steam-roller flattening a nursery, Shanghai descended on Zeitgeist for beer, schnitzels, more schnitzels and beer. There was one table that ordered champagne and was met with such...
Last updated: 2017-05-10
In "Deals Tested" we kick the tires on various food, drink or miscellaneous deals so you don't have to.


Last Tuesday, like a steam-roller flattening a nursery, Shanghai descended on for beer, schnitzels, more schnitzels and beer. There was one table that ordered champagne and was met with such withering looks from everyone else it's a surprise they didn't just melt.

What's the Deal: Every Tuesday night, from 6pm to 11pm, Zeitgeist does .

It's too good for this city.


Hesitating to even talk about this deal because it might draw more people to it, like vultures to a newborn piglet. This schnitzel comes with enough blood, sweat and tears to make you feel kind of bad for what you're putting the kitchen through for 88rmb. I still had four though. Deals Tested knows no mercy.

Schnitzels, as you may know, are a slice of breaded meat. Usually pork, but sometimes chicken. Often, they are deep-fried. The ones at Zeitgeist, though, are pan-fried. This is fantastic, because it means they stay juicy and don't have crunchy bits of empty batter on the edges. Some people really like those crunchy bits. I guess this isn't the schnitzel for those lunatics. Me, I think these schnitzels are legitimately some of the best I've had.

They serve them with a bit of their potato salad on the side, and a dash of cranberry jam. The first three came pretty quick (first one hit the table almost the minute I sat down), maybe five to ten minutes between servings, which is impressive considering the place was rammed and the place opened like two weeks ago. I think by the fourth schnitzel, they'd hit the limits of the stress-test though. I was actually full by the second schnitzel, but the words "all-you-can-eat" have a way of pushing you beyond mortal limitations. Also, Deals Tested knows no mercy.

Pan-frying every single schnitzel is way harder than just flinging a bunch of them in the deep-fryer. The chef had to stand over every single one of the something like 250 schnitzels they made that night. I imagine it's why he had that hunted look in his eye every time he stalked out of the kitchen with another plate.

The deal doesn't include a drink, but drafts are around 35rmb.

Is it worth it: Yeah. Considering schnitzels normally cost 88rmb for one, and I had four (well, three-and-a-half), and all I gave up was a bit of salad, I'd say it's absolutely worth it. Head down there if you also know no mercy, or just really like schnitzels. Do it soon, I think another two or three weeks of this and the kitchen staff's going to be in open revolt.


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