Eat! More! Insects! Brian Tan Cooks Bug Banquet, Seats Still Left

Feel like there are not enough small, hairy legs in your food? Lacking the proper amount of thorax in your diet? Want to change the world by changing its protein source to... BUGS? This one is for you...
Last updated: 2019-05-07
Feel like there are not enough small, hairy legs in your food? Lacking the proper amount of thorax in your diet? Want to change the world by changing its protein source to... BUGS? This one is for you, then. Chef-around-town Brian Tan messaged me this morning to say he still has about a dozen seats left for his first-ever BUG BANQUET this Thursday night at , out of 40 total seats. It's a project that's been a long time coming for the chef, who loves new things (BitCoin) and new concepts (sustainability), and gets to explore at least one of them in this special dinner. Click the jump to see the full menu and how to snag one of those remaining seats!