First Bite: The Sailors Fish and Chips

The Sailors on the newly awesome Yongkang Lu is a small, eight-seater fish and chip shop run by some very affable chaps who were inspired by the Australian take on the dish. That I have never been to ...
Last updated: 2015-11-09
on the newly awesome is a small, eight-seater fish and chip shop run by some very affable chaps who were inspired by the Australian take on the dish. That I have never been to Australia is of little import: as the UK contingent of SmSh, it fell to me to check out Shanghai's newest incarnation of this most British of dishes.

It's something I feel strongly about, fish and chips, and it was with perhaps unreasonably high hopes that I placed my order at the teeny tiny restaurant earlier today. The signs were good: malt vinegar on the counter, a reassuringly small menu, English tea and a smell of deep-fried goodness that would linger in clothes and hair for many hours to come... They also sell Boddington's for an eminently reasonable 35rmb a pop.