First Sip: Daga Brewpub 2.0, The Portal To Chinese Craft Beer Of Varied Quality

What happens to bars when they die? Do they dry up like a raisin in the sun? Do they turn to ash and then blow away in the wind? Does the ground open up and swallow them whole? Sometime in 2014, a bi...
Last updated: 2015-11-20
What happens to bars when they die? Do they dry up like a raisin in the sun? Do they turn to ash and then blow away in the wind? Does the ground open up and swallow them whole? Sometime in 2014, a big, unimaginative beer bar called opened on Fuxing Lu, near Yongfu Lu, then silently vanished sometime in 2015. Suddenly, neighborhood bar , a Tai'an Lu staple, sprouted from that deathbed, sporting an imposing wall of taps pouring Chinese draft beer from cities like Nanjing, Chengdu, and Beijing. They let you sample the brews before you invest in a full pint, which is good, because many are works in progress.