Sherpa's Closing: Survival Tips

Sherpa's will shutter on April 30, May 1, and May 2. They will be too busy delivering Closure Notices to clubs, bars, and opium dens in Shanghai. SurvivalTopics.com points out that: "Although not as c...
Last updated: 2015-11-09
on April 30, May 1, and May 2. They will be too busy delivering Closure Notices to clubs, bars, and opium dens in Shanghai. points out that: "Although not as critical as going without water, missing even just a few meals can cause a host of undesirable complications for the would-be survivor." What ever will we do? Here's three tips to make it through these challenging times:

1. A person can survive up to, and including, a week without , but only a few days without water. Tearing the pages out of a local magazine and crumpling them into wads is an easy way to make a rainwater collection tool. Leave them outside on the terrace (, ), wait for it to rain, and then wring the soaked pages directly into your mouth.

2. Learn the art of fire craft. "". sturdy wood matches work particularly well.

3. "" sells a delightful mix of reflective mirrors, whistles, and Personal Locator Beacons, created by actual, surviving artisans and artsy people!

Sherpa's re-opens on May 3.