Intense, 450km Midnight Bike Ride To Moganshan Friday Night

File this under "intimidating". Bike shop / collective Factory Five is doing a race to Moganshan and back this Friday night. Factory Five partner / drummer in every Shanghai hardcore band Tyler Bowa s...
Last updated: 2015-11-09
File this under "intimidating". Bike shop / collective is doing to Moganshan and back this Friday night. Factory Five partner / drummer in every Shanghai hardcore band Tyler Bowa says "we're treating it more as a personal challenge -- if you finish, that's good enough -- but you'll be able to compare yourself against others which is nice".

The race is open to solo riders or pairs, and everyone needs to have a smartphone with GPS and a camera to record and validate their ride. Lights and helmets are mandatory. Anyone who wants to get down should email trees.nelson@gmail.com. Sounds good. They've also got this Bicycle Film Festival Shanghai 2015 coming up on November 6-8, too. Stay tuned for more info about that.