Pollution Video Game 'Hazy Days' Out Now, Straight From Shanghai

Great one for today. Shanghai-based game-designer Mike Ren, who also worked on that SPORTZ game we covered a while back, just dropped his [free] new "breathing simulator" Hazy Days. Says Mike, "The...
Last updated: 2016-02-05
Great one for today. Shanghai-based game-designer Mike Ren, who also worked on that game we covered a while back, just dropped his [free] new "breathing simulator" .

Says Mike, "The game follows Xiao Feng, a young girl who is about to visit her Grandmother for Chinese New Year. Over the course of seven days, players control her breathing as she faces increasing levels of pollution in the city… China's air pollution levels are constantly covered in the media. With Hazy Days, I hope to humanize the issue so that the problem can be more relatable. Thanks for playing."

Check the preview after the jump.