
Xinjishi (Pudong)


Xinjishi (Pudong)

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Xinjishi (Pudong)

  • 2/F Zhong Guo Mansion,
    166 Lujiazui Dong Lu,
    near Yingcheng Lu


    10 mins from Lujiazui
    Part of: Xinjishi
    6841 9719

    Editor’s Description

    Last updated: Jun 11, 2019
    Xin Jishi is the spawn of a Shanghainese institution known as Jesse, an Anglicized approximation Jishi. This chain of "new" Jesse restaurants serves a similar menu of Shanghainese classics like red-braised pork, scallion pancakes, and drunken chicken. But the environment lacks the homey lived in feel of its predecessor.
  • Events & Deals

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